Monday, May 31, 2010

Woooo, new blog!


So my well of creativity is running dry. My hinges are rusting and my gears have some weird orange gunk built up where there was once well-oiled imagination-juice. I need to fix that.

So, I'm starting this blog.

I don't really care if anyone reads it or not. More importantly, I'm writing it. And with each keystroke, I'm becoming more and more used to the process of writing that I've been so adamantly procrastinating. I'm not sure why I avoid it; I love it. I love the way words work and sound in my head as I string them together. I guess there's just something about writing a story that I can't get the hang of. I lose my focus. My drive. I get sick of it and would much rather just quit or go play video games.

But I can't let that happen.

I have to keep at it, make it part of my lifestyle and everyday habits. I need to get used to doing it every day, like an exercise.

The story I'm working on right now is about a boy who was born without a shadow. It's a horror story that I hope to make into a novel and it's based on an earlier shortstory that I wrote for a fiction writing workshop last winter at University.

I really like the story and I think it has a lot of potential. I just keep losing focus and then my motivation to continue is absolutely gone. It's awful. But maybe that's normal. However, JJ's story won't tell itself and my goal is to finish it as a rough draft in its entirety before Christmas. Good luck to me. I think, though, that if I can regulate my time of writing, say from 3-6pm, that maybe it'll help keep me focused? Learn some will power and whatnot.

Oh well, more to come later, assuming I can keep up with this as well.